Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Working on a new pendant for a documentary/promo video.. here is the piece so far:

Metals used are silver, copper and nu-gold. Should be finished up by 4/18.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog bLog bloG

Whew! Just finished applying for a grant for materials to create a fourteen piece jewelry set depicting the major veins within my body. Come May, we'll see if UVM looks kindly upon my artistic endeavors.

In the meantime I have been intrigued by the jewelers that Lady Gaga wears. My new favorite is Pamela Love: Love has strong, edgy pieces that are to be worn only by the person who has a strong sense of self. I particularly enjoy her multiple finger rings. I enjoy jewelry that doesn't merely rest upon the body, but interacts. These rings constrict our fingers, making us always aware of what we are wearing. This jewelry is not worn passively.